
The Biblical Blessing: Understanding What True Blessing Entails

Biblical blessings encompass divine favor, spiritual riches, and God's consecrated benediction upon believers, leading to fruitfulness, multiplication, and filling the earth. As a younger believer, I thought being "blessed" meant only good things like wealth and comfort. But exploring the Bible showed me a more profound truth. A true biblical blessing is different from what many think. It challenged me to understand true blessings in a new way. The word "blessed" means being made holy or consecrated. It's about receiving divine favor and protection. The Greek word "Makários" means being in a good position to accept God's grace. While getting earthly gifts is excellent, the ultimate blessing is to be set apart through Jesus. This is what biblical blessing is all about. The Bible talks a lot about God's blessings, from Genesis to Revelation. It is about His goodness and favor for us. Yet, we often miss the point. We focus on what we c

How to Appreciate the Process as a Christian During Hard Times

  Living as a Christian has taught me a lot. I've found that hardships are essential for spiritual growth. This path is often challenging, but faith helps to a greater extent. The Bible teaches us about God's work in the process. David, for instance, was chosen to be king but had to wait years. God used this time to prepare him and develop his character. It's a lot like how we grow spiritually through challenging moments. These trials help us grow Christ-like character and deepen our faith. Appreciating the process as a Christian, hard times As a Christian, I've learned to value the journey God leads me on, even when it's tough. Despite the challenges, I see these hardships as vital for my spiritual growth. God is molding me, strengthening my character, and bringing me closer to Him. From the Bible, we know that tough times can deepen our faith and understanding. Verses like 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18 remind us to thank God in all situations. This helps us keep a hopef

Miracles in the Midst of Desolation: God's Hand in Tough Times

Miracle in the Midst of Desolation Reflecting on tough times, I'm in awe of the miracles that came when all seemed lost. There was a point when I was lost in self-hatred and had no purpose. Like the prophet Habakkuk, who praised God's deeds even in bad years, I employed his tactics and saw God's power shine in my darkest moments. The Bible has been a haven, and in 1 Samuel 1, Hannah's story continued to inspire me, especially in the barrenness of having no purpose in life. I was amazed to see her suffering and God's answer to her prayers. I've known Hannah's pain of feeling alone and her unanswered prayers. Yet, I found that trusting God during our hardest times leads to His amazing work in our lives.                                Witnessing God`s Hand in Tough Times As a Christian, I've faced tough times that have made me feel lost and hopeless. Yet, I've seen our Heavenly Father's love and power in incredible ways.   God's Unwave

What Does the Bible Say About Oaths? Jephthah's Story

The Bible's tales continue to capture my attention. One story stands out today: Jephthah's tragic vow that cost his daughter's life.  Jephthah was a brave warrior battling the Ammonites. He swore an oath to God, pledging to sacrifice the first thing in his house if he won. Sadly, it was his daughter who first met him. Honor-bound, Jephthah kept his word, resulting in his daughter's sacrifice. Key Takeaway The Bible warns against thoughtless vows, using Jephthah's heartbreaking story as an example. Jephthah, in his zeal, promised the first thing from his house, leading to his daughter’s tragic death. It emphasizes analyzing the outcomes of our commitments, especially those involving God. The Bible neither condones nor condemns Jephthah's act, but it stresses being wise in our vows and oaths. It highlights the importance of honoring our promises, no matter the difficulty. Jephthah, in his zeal, promised the first thing from his house, leading to his daughter’s tra